Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Family

So.... to recap, I accepted a commissioning with the Air Force, quit my job at UAB, am going to move 500+ miles from home and anyone that I really know well, and if that's not enough for you....

We're 5 weeks at the time of these pictures! Due March 17, 2013!
We like change all at once!

Commissioning Ceremony

I finally retrieved my commissioning ceremony pictures from my camera! The ceremony went off flawlessly. Col. Temple Bowling IV (Ret.) is who swore me in and my recruiter came all the way from Baton Rouge, LA. Col. Bowling and his sweet wife were very charming and wonderful people! Thank you to ALL who worked so hard to pull this off!!

This balloon wreath was made by Tut with about 300+ latex balloons!

The swearing in!

Col. Temple Bowling IV(Ret.), (now)1st Lt. Brett H. Price, Morgan Price, and MSgt Rufus Ball

PFc Charles G. Kitchens my granddaddy and his wife Hazel Kitchens my Grandmother

Oh.... and that flag.... not the most secure pole in the world. Let's just say that whoever put it up had better get better at it next time! It didn't fall over.... but I sure thought it was going to bite the dust at any moment!